Councillor questions cost of Roseworthy

A PUSH to have Light Regional Council reveal its total expenditure on the Roseworthy Township Expansion project has been lost.

Councillor Simon Zeller put up a motion at the May meeting of council, calling for a report that compiled all the costs council had incurred in conjunction with the Roseworthy project, since its beginning.

“This includes all time spent by members of the administration, all external consultants, external services, contractors and opportunity costs,” Mr Zeller put to council.

However the motion was lost with councillors Zeller, Kennelly, Grain and Mosley voting for the report and councillors Lewis, Frankcom, Close, Mitchell, Rohrlach and Reichstein against.

The Roseworthy project goes back almost 15 years to when a Township Strategic Review paper identified the potential for allotments on land directly south of the existing township.

Private interest in growth at Roseworthy can be traced back to late 2007/early 2008, with the Minister for Planning later endorsing the Roseworthy Township Expansion Development Plan Amendment (DPA) in February, 2014.

Council’s strategy and development general manager Craig Doyle said a separate rate arrangement was used over two years, starting 2014/15, to fund preparations for the DPA and the subsequent Infrastructure Deeds.

“Council staff and administration time has been an ‘in-kind’ contribution towards the project since its earliest stages – some 13 years now,” Mr Doyle said.

Council’s Economic Development panel was recently provided a presentation on the latest movements associated with the Roseworthy Township Expansion project, however it was not included in the publically-accessible agenda and minutes.

A full meeting of council will receive a similar presentation in the future, including a report outlining a full business case for strategic council investment in the Roseworthy and Kingsford precinct.

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