Five cents can help school create new outdoor learning space


TANUNDA Primary School is currently raising funds to redevelop its existing disability unit yard and playground areas in order for students to gain greater access to outdoor learning opportunities.

To fundraise, the school is asking for donations of five cent pieces to be put in tins around its classrooms, and local businesses.

Staff are aiming to collect one million coins and raise $50,000 to assist with the project.

Tanunda Primary School principal Michelle Barnes said the proposed upgrades would benefit many current students.

“People are really excited about revamping the area,” she said.

“The students have had input into the designs, so designers and developers have taken those designs into consideration.

“Even with water play – which is hard for some children with mobility issues – students will be able to have ramp access into this area, which will enable them to play in the water feature and participate and get into the sandpit.

“It sounds so simple, but it is actually very hard for them.

“For things like planting, there will be raised garden beds so those in wheelchairs will be able to participate.”

Senior leader Karen Underwood said when the school was rebuilt in 1998, there were five children utilising the disability unit.

“Since then, we have seen lots of different alterations to it including a sandpit and a new playground, and we have also added three more classrooms,” she said.

“Today, we have 33 students, so it would be fantastic to see a colourful interactive space that will be inclusive for all students.

“Outside, there will be a new fence put in that will bring colour into the yard, along with sensory boards and interactive activities for the students to go up and touch.

“Every classroom in the school has a tin, and the students are very keen to fill them.

“It has been very exciting to see all the kids get on board.”

Throughout the next week, Ms Underwood and student leaders Lachlan Elton-Martin and Patrick McBride will be walking up and down the main street of Tanunda with five cent tins and posters
to garner support from local businesses.

It is hoped the first stage of the redevelopment will begin at the end of the year.

If businesses would like to get involved with the fundraiser, they can phone Tanunda Primary School on 8563 2318 and a tin will be delivered.

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