Local soccer
Kick-starting the conversation on mental health

ANGLE Vale Soccer Club is set to host the first of what will be a new annual tradition as it contests a charity match against Virginia United on March 14, with all proceeds going to Beyond Blue in an effort to address men’s mental health.
Club spokesperson Jareth Stocker said the cause is close to a number of club members’ hearts, and everyone is excited to make it a great day.
“As a club we felt like mental health is one of those things we’re trying to make everyone a bit more aware of – especially men,” he said.
“It’s a cause close to my heart and a bunch of the guys too, so getting people talking about it is the first step.”
Angle Vale Community Sports Centre is expected to be packed on the day with the club saying it anticipates support from neighbouring sporting clubs as well.
A bouncy castle will also keep the kids entertained during a full day of games.
“The C-grade will be playing in the morning, and then the B’s, and then the under-9s will get a chance to play on the full-size pitch as the curtain raiser for the A’s,” Stocker said.
“We’ve got the whole community centre on board, so the cricket club and footy club will be here, and they’ve got a big crowd following as well, so we think it’ll be a really good day.”
To support the cause, head down to the Angle Vale Community Sports Centre on Fradd Road, Angle Vale on Sunday, March 14, or donate at (fundraise.beyondblue.org.au/anglevalesoccerclubcharityfundraiser).

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