Morrow Road residents slam regular traffic jams

MORROW Avenue residents are calling for urgent changes to the new Main North Road traffic lights at Evanston, saying the time allowed to turn off the road is insufficient.

The new traffic lights at the Potts Road and Tulloch Road intersections – built as part of the Gawler East Link Road and Tulloch Road Upgrade projects – were switched on in April.

Shortly after they became operational, motorists saw delays along Main North Road, with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) twice changing the light sequence to alleviate the issue.

As reported in The Bunyip in April, the lights will run on a timed system until DPTI installs traffic sensors, with a spokesperson saying the lights “are currently not operating in their ultimate configuration”.

According to Morrow Avenue residents Russell and Emma Wotton, the lights regularly cause long delays on their small side-street.

“Even when traffic is light and merging would be safe, one looking to enter Main North Road is prevented from doing so by a red arrow,” they said.

“Rotations are quite drawn out and if you miss the green arrow you can expect to wait quite some time for the next opportunity.”

Residents also raised concerns about the height of the lights, which they say are hard to see if you’re the first car stopped at the intersection.

Member for Light Tony Piccolo said he had received a “wave of complaints” about the intersection since the lights were switched on.

“It is no secret that the opening of the intersection by Mr Knoll and the Marshall Liberal Government was bungled, to put it lightly,” he said.

“To get to the nub of the issue, I contacted the residents of Morrow Ave to find out from those directly affected what they perceived as the greatest hurdles to overcome and the areas that are in dire need of addressing.”

DPTI were contacted for comment, but failed to respond.

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