Our newest citizens

Brendan Simpkins

ELLIOT Vaughan and Kerry Dunk are a long way from Northampton in England’s East Midlands, yet they feel at home.

On Australia Day, the pair and three of their four children – Tyler, Liv and Freddie – will become Australian citizens, 15 years after falling in love with the land down under.

Their fourth child, Alfie, is already an Australian citizen having been born in the country while his parents were recognised as permanent residents.

Touching down for a holiday in 2006 to visit Kerry’s uncle in Gawler, it was love at first sight, and plans were put in place for the move away from the motherland.

After a four-year wait, the family initially called Melbourne home, however, the plan was always to come back to South Australia.

The decision to become Australian citizens was an easy one for the family.

“My ethos is we love Australia, we call it home, why would we call ourselves English in Australia? It doesn’t make any sense to me,” Mr Vaughan said.

The family have well and truly immersed themselves in the Australian way of life, so much so that Mr Vaughan has ditched the round ball in favour of the Sherrin.

He is a 10-year member of the St Kilda Football Club after falling in love with the Saints during the family’s time in Melbourne.

Mr Vaughan said the family were ‘true blue’ Aussies, except when it came to the Ashes.

Originally located in Willaston, the family now resides in Freeling but intends to move back to Gawler in the near future.

Operating Seal My Fridge out of Willaston, the family is active in the community and sponsors the Willaston Football Club and KPS Drifting.

Ms Dunk said the family was excited to attend the citizenship ceremony on Australia Day.

“It’s going to be a good day,” she said.

Those sentiments were echoed by Mr Vaughan, who said he “couldn’t wait” to get his certificate and post a photo on Facebook to show his friends and family back in England.

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