Ratepayers fork out $385,000 for lawyers

GAWLER Council has spent more than $385,000 on lawyer fees since January last year, overblowing their legal budget in the process.
Answers to a set of questions of notice from controversial councillor Ian Tooley tabled at a special council meeting last month revealed the extent of the council’s legal spending and what ratepayer money was spent on.
Between January 2019 and August of this year, the council spent $387,000 on legal fees, in relation to a number of different issues.
This is despite council outlining $141,000 for legal advice in its 2018/19 budget and $158,000 in 2019/20 – a combined $299,000.
After further inquiries by The Bunyip, council revealed it had spent $162,054 on legal fees in 2018/19 and $228,501 in 2019/20.
Legal spending in the prior two financial years was under budget.
Gawler Council chief executive officer Henry Inat denied the council had a problem with its legal expenditure.
“It is acknowledged that the adopted budget estimate for legal costs was exceeded in 2018/19 and 2019/20,” he said.
“Council does not have a ‘problem’ with its legal spending, as often unforeseen costs incurred are outside of its control and are unfortunately unavoidable.
“Such instances may include where a person challenges a council development decision, or disputes a regulatory decision, which council may need legal advice to defend its decision.
“Council does not engage lawyers lightly, with each engagement undertaken done so in response to legitimate operational requirements.”
Lawyers pocketed the most money for advice on town planning matters, with $95,000 spent alone on the issue since January 2019.
Elected member-related matters, such as unruly behaviour, code of conduct resolutions and complaints handling cost ratepayers $56,000 in legal fees.
Around $3000 was spent on ruling whether elected members inquiries, such as questions on notice, could be legally included in council agendas.

Here’s how ratepayer money was spent on legal fees since January 2019

Barossa Regional
Procurement Group = $5000
Walker Place
redevelopment project = $9000
FOI related matters = $9000
Engineering advice
and related matters = $11,000
Gawler East Link Road = $13,000
Rating related matters
(incl. Gawler East Infrastructure Funding Policy review) = $15,000
Property advice and related
matters (e.g. lease negotiations, property sales, etc.) = $24,000
Elected Member related matters
(i.e. Code of Conducts, Questions
on Notice, Complaints Handling, etc.) = $56,000
Regulatory services advice
and related matters (e.g. dog prosecutions, private parking agreements, By-Laws review, etc.)
= $56,000
HR related matters = $59,000
Town Planning advice
and related matters = $95,000
Other = $35,000

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