Red tape ‘kills off’ community events

INCREASING red tape and infrastructure
requirements by all
levels of government are killing
off important community events,
warns Member for Light Tony
Mr Piccolo said he was receiving
an increasing number of complaints
from community organisations frustrated
at the resources now needed to
host local events.
“The enthusiasm, commitment
and passion of our volunteers is being
buried under a mountain of red
tape,” Mr Piccolo said.
“While I understand the need for
extra precautions in a world concerned
about the real dangers posed
by COVID-19, governments also
need to appreciate the negative impact
restrictions are having on everyday
community life.
“Yes, we need to stay safe, but
we need to manage risks and work
with our community organisations
to maintain our important community
Mr Piccolo said he had received
many complaints, many via Facebook,
from local people who were
disappointed the traditional Gawler
Anzac Day dawn service was not
held this year.
“The feedback I have received is
that local and state governments can
find monies to fund sporting events
and arts festivals, but not for services
to commemorate those who
have made the ultimate sacrifice for
their nation,” he said.
“People also appear to be losing
confidence in the health message
as a result of what they believe are
inconsistencies in how attendance
caps are set for various events.
“We need to support our community
organisations to host these types
of significant commemorative services
as they as they are central to
our national identity.
“Anzac Day dawn services and
other commemorative events enable
the community to acknowledge and
honour the service of our veterans
and provide some comfort to their
families that their sacrifice was not
in vain. It helps to bring our community
“Governments at levels just need
to do it better and prioritise their expenditure
to ensure they are financially

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