Tony pays special tribute to soldier

A DIGGER from Queensland who died while serving in the Australian Army holds a special place in Two Wells RSL president Tony Flaherty’s heart, despite the two never meeting.

The Two Wells Middle-East war memorial includes commemorative stones detailing the Australians killed in service during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

One of the names, Mason K. Edwards, a soldier from Queensland who was killed while training in Port Augusta, holds special significance for Mr Flaherty.

The former Adelaide Plains Council mayor played a large role in having the Middle-East memorial established, and upon its completion decided take the responsibility for caring for one of the  plaques, and chose Mr Edwards.

Each memorial plaque was sold to families for $500, with the purchasers tasked with maintaining the stone and ensuring the fallen soldier lives on.

Mr Flaherty said he now thinks of Mr Edwards as a member of his family.

“What we tried to do is make the soldier a part of the family who purchased the stone,” he said.

“Mason Edwards did two tours of Afghanistan and he was training to go back for his third tour and he was killed by live fire in training, aged 30.

“I knew his family was desperately upset, so I chose him as our family soldier and we put flowers at the memorial and visit regularly.

“The families have come from all over Australia to visit the memorial stones for the sons in Two Wells and they get a feeling like their son is there.”

Mr Flaherty keeps a photo of Mr Edwards in his home, using the soldiers’ memory to inform visitors about the sacrifice of Australian servicemen.

“Every Anzac Day I put a bunch of flowers and a pair of boots next to his stone, because the boots are the most significant thing about a soldier,” he said.

“Particularly a soldier who died, because the saying is ‘they died with their boots on’.

“We’ve met his family and we stay in contact, if his name ever comes up or there is some new photos of him we exchange that information.”

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